We will strive to ensure the well-being of each person we serve by providing purpose, dignity, and individual choice.
Long-term health care is about a supportive community.



Loved Ones
We recognize the importance of helping families and loved ones create meaningful roles for themselves in our home. We strive to create partnerships with the loved ones of our residents, as their involvement is imperative to achieving success.
If you’re planning to visit your loved one at SJF, please ensure you read our <<Visitor Policy>>

Long-term care is important as it involves a variety of services to help meet each individual’s health and personal care needs. These services help people to live as independently and safely as possible when they can no longer perform everyday activities on their own.
St. Joseph’s at Fleming provides 24/7 care for people who require assisted support beyond what is possible at home.
“Good health care doesn’t just happen. It comes from the heart of the home’s employees. That is the reality here at St. Joseph’s at Fleming. On behalf of all the residents here, we extend our hands in applause and appreciation to our St. Joseph’s at Fleming family, and invite you to come and see what we are all about!” -Residents Council Leadership Team
St. Joseph’s at Fleming offers a variety of services to ensure each person feels at home

Food and Nutrition Services
We work with residents to create a menu designed to provide a wide variety of healthy, nutritional meals that exceed Canada Food Guide expectations. Our Dietitian helps residents with textures and therapeutic diets, and we have special assistive devices and utensils to assist with eating.

Resident Programs and Services
Our Resident Programs Teams consists of a collaborative group of professionals that’s of human health and well-being in the areas of Pastoral Care, Physiotherapy, Recreation, Therapy, Social Work, and Volunteer Services. These departments provide residents with the opportunity to participate in meaningful and purposeful programs that meet their individual abilities, needs, and interests.

Healthcare Services
Our healthcare team is a group of dedicated individuals with varying levels of education. This group includes Registered Nurses, Registered Practical Nurses, Personal Support Workers, the Nurse Practitioner, Educators, Support Staff and Consultants. This team plays an important role in the day-to-day support of resident needs and evaluation of changes in each resident’s condition.

Environmental Services
This team consists of Maintenance, Laundry, and Housekeeping professionals who take pride in ensuring a high level of quality service for our residents and colleagues. Our Environmental Team is responsible for ensuring the cleanliness, safety and smooth operations of the building and grounds. Daily room checks, deep cleans, infection control practices, and safety checks are only a part of what we do.

A dedicated and professional team, this group often works behind the scenes to ensure resident care and the home’s operations run smoothly and efficiently. Excellent customer service, timely and accurate flow of information, and leadership through example are our key objectives to ensure the tools are in place for a quality operation.

Pastoral Services
St. Joseph’s at Fleming respects and celebrates each person’s faith and spiritual practices. Our Pastoral Care Coordinator assists in leading services that include hymns, bible readings, prayers, coordinating group meetings, and one-to-one ministry. SJF is sensitive to those of all faiths and aims to assist them in the most meaningful way possible.

Our ‘Be a Saint’ Campaign is currently in progress, helping us raise funds for capital improvements and new equipment. The only way we can make the vital improvements our residents deserve is with your financial support today.
As our beautiful St. Joseph’s at Fleming has matured…it’s now 20 years old…and for 24/7 in each of those years it has been home to our 200 Residents and their 250 caregivers, it goes without saying there are features that are becoming outdated, wearing down, and need to be replaced. And of course with technological advances, there is newer, more effective equipment which enhances the everyday life experience for our residents that we could purchase. Such capital improvements and new equipment are very costly, and are not funded by the government. That money must come from the Third Sector… that is, you and I.
In order for St. Joseph’s at Fleming to be able to remain at the forefront in its field, the Foundation as the Home’s funding partner will need to assist it to be prepared to meet these crucial needs. That’s why we’ve started the “Be a Saint” Campaign. We need to raise $3.5 million for some crucial upgrades to St. Joseph’s at Fleming. If you go to www.givetosjf.ca you can have a look at our Case for Support for these compelling needs.
Last year we held our fourth “Be a Saint” Golf Tournament, and raised over $32,000! Keep your eye out for more information about our upcoming events at www.givetosjf.ca/events.
If you have any questions about our campaign, or an idea on how you can help, please feel free to get in touch with Sarah Cox at scox@sjfltc.com or 705-743-4744 Ext 3060.
The St. Joseph’s at Fleming Foundation Board is grateful for the generous support of many donors and friends which directly enriches the lives of the residents at St. Joseph’s at Fleming. The people of Peterborough and Area are famous for their generosity and support of many worthwhile causes…and this is certainly one!

Thank-you to the Government of Ontario for assisting us with some of the funding required for our HVAC upgrades!

How are we doing?
We are looking for you to give us your feedback.
If you have any concerns or complaints, please see the Ministry of Long-Term Care’s Complaint Fact Sheet below: